A Community of
This week @ Bridge Church:
Lent Journey: Sensing Jesus
Luke 7:11-15
10:00am @ Fort Christian School
Last Week's Message
Sensing Jesus: Lent 2025
The apostle John said “we declare to you… what we heard, what we have seen… what we have looked at and touched… concerning the word of life” (1 John 1:1). God embodied physical reality as a flesh and blood human being in the Lord Jesus Christ. As we journey towards Easter this Lenten season, join Bridge Church as we reflect upon stories of “Sensing Jesus” through taste, hearing, smell, touch and sight.

#ForTheFort is an initiative of Bridge Church. More than just a cool hashtag, #ForTheFort is a posture of the heart. It is our desire to be Fort Saskatchewan's biggest cheerleader. We express this by being available to help, support and encourage. Three times a year on Sunday morning, instead of our usual worship celebration, we break into teams to roll up our sleeves to serve!
Sunday Services @ Fort Christian School
10:00am to 11:30am
Mid Week Ministries @ Hope Chapel
Tues (Week 1):
10am to 12pm - Women's Bible Study
7pm to 9pm - Women's Bible Study
Tues (Week 2)
7pm to 9pm - Anchored Youth Grouth (Gr.7-12)
Wed (Week 2)
6:30pm to 8:30pm - Harvest Jr. Youth Group (Gr.5-6)
10am to 12pm - Women's Bible Study
7pm to 9pm - Women's Bible Study
Tues (Week 2)
7pm to 9pm - Anchored Youth Grouth (Gr.7-12)
Wed (Week 2)
6:30pm to 8:30pm - Harvest Jr. Youth Group (Gr.5-6)